
Design of a system that cools a glycol+water solution down to -8°C for a food processing plant. The system is made of 3 270kW chillers, equipped with inverters for an improved load regulation, and uses ammonia reaching a C.O.P. of 2,26. The ammonia was picked for its great efficiency and very limited cost.


The system is condensed with a evaporative cooling towers that is connected with the compressor circuit via a plate heat exchanger, placed close to the compressor to reduce the requider ammonia volume.


The pumps that circulate the glycol are all equipped with inverters to reduce electrical consumption when possible. They are regulated with a differential pressure sensor to keep the pressure steady for all the users.


All groups have been built in a workshop to save costs. The technical room was not very spacious and required a detailed analysis of the system layout. This layout also considers a future expansion of the system and leaves room for the common maintenance operations.





The system proved stable over time. The high efficiency allowed the client to reduce its electricity consumption by a good margin.

On the DOWNLOAD page you can get the complete 3D model of this plant.